Saturday, March 15, 2014

Miracle Fruit

While browsing the Internet, Dan came across something called the Miracle fruit. The miracle fruit is a berry that, when eaten, causes sour foods to taste sweet.


Quite intrigued upon learning about this (and surprised that I hadn't known about it before), I began searching for where this fruit is found. I soon learned that the miracle plant could be found in Chiang Mai at one of the local flower markets.

After a couple of hours spent wandering around the market, hopelessly trying to communicate with a lot of mimicking of sour and sweet faces, I finally found the plant.

We read online that the most effective way to do it is to put the berry in your mouth for one minute and move it around your tongue. For the next hour, lemons, limes, grapefruits and sour candies tasted amazing!


  1. Is it possible for you to bring some berries, or seeds home with you? I'd love to try it. Was it expensive?

  2. The plant was only a couple of bucks. Unfortunately, the berries only last a couple of hours, so they won't make it the long journey back to the US. I could possibly get some seeds, but I think ordering them from Amazon might be easier...
