"No, no, no, no, no..." the driver yelled, wincing in his seat. For what might be the longest three seconds of my life, the taxi door skidded along the bus, until the bus came to a halt.
Amused passengers on the bus made sure to document the incident with their iPhones, as I stammered to find some words that might make the situation any better. As traffic piled up behind the bus, I apologized profusely to the cab driver, while waiting to see what would happen next. Police officers arrived at the scene a few minutes later chattering away in Cantonese as I stood there awkwardly. To make a long story short, my first night in Hong Kong was a memorable one.
*In case you're wondering, the taxi had insurance to cover its repair, but I had to partially cover the damage to the bus. Well, technically I'm sure I could have easily gotten out of it since they really had no way to contact me, but $250 wasn't such a terrible price to pay.
Hong Kong was basically as expected: an overcrowded international city with small apartments, the longest skyline I've ever seen, delicious pork buns and egg custard buns...and really nice beaches!
This could only happen to you. Add this to your lessons learned- Always turn around and look when exiting vehicles. Glad to read you are exploring more. We miss you! Happy traveling!